
Showing posts from 2011


用了很多時間與耐性,等待,各種心機精神,終於終於,到了這天,我完成了,很攰很攰,好似瑜珈完咁,好想休息一下,再重新開始。。。 叫了一班人番泥陪我除夕倒數打邊爐,找齊十隻杯子,十隻碗,十雙筷,一隻大鍋,一個爐,而家要努力清潔中!!!明天見!誦大般若回向世界向強大的正能量邁進!


共享年度最後私房菜:茄汁雜菜素腸蕃茄麵(烹調時間:0800-0830)。 Hey~我沒有噴壼,沒有泥鏟,沒有鉸剪,更沒有耐性,but帶了棵紫"菜"番來,好開心佢陪我同小玉過新年。:) 誦大般若回向世界向強大的正能量邁進!


假期前的品牌硬照已經收到了。無論如何,也要謝謝攝影師整天的付出,造型師的努力,模特Adela的百變形象和神速換衣技巧,整天把不合碼的鞋子穿了又除,除了再穿,再穿了又除,除了再穿!很期待2012春夏的Salad,La Creme 和 Little Room!誦大般若回向世界向強大的正能量邁進!




苦苦的人生總要放大甜甜的事,尤其在這表面上多麼快樂的節日,世上最快樂的事,莫過於穿奇怪的衣服。沒有bling bling,沒有豹紋,沒有動物毛皮,只有有心人玩世不恭卻細緻到連布料都自己織的衣服,最吸引,最甜!誦大般若回向世界向強大的正能量邁進!




omg... i did nothing today!! but captured a very touching pic for myself. hope people can shorten the distance between basic necessities and achieving their dreams!! 誦大般若回向世界向強大的正能量邁進!




剩下364天... 心中充滿愛,把能力傳送出去,讓人得到快樂,自己也快樂。誦大般若回向世界向強大的正能量邁進!


如常的你 如常的我 你始在夢中出現三回 頭兩回相安無事 這次的心是如斯安在你身 木枱上半斗煙灰 恐懼 擔憂 生活 魘令我窒息 井底裏無止境呼救 毫無反應 直至驚醒 你盼我靜靜等待 合上眼 避免起湖波漣漪 心 仍難平靜 可 唯一可行 起 早安 請給我力量 請給我加持


自小擁有雙面人性格 一面以笑聲掩飾無知與陌生 一面真心吐露每刻個別感受 從三嵗起始巴士上忍淚 教曉以奉承換不難受 事實難改 日後人生的篇幅 間中小節點綴 別人拿著家中圍護的個性 我必須撕裂以自保 恐懼由然 拼命等待重生 珍惜每秒屬己 打行珍惜所有旗號 慾與過去壓抑翻賬 可能 繞了一圈 更可能 自欺 最後悔的從此不後悔 最可貴的繼續擁有 握緊 不放手


寒冬攜著聖誕老人漸漸前來 想起很久沒有一個人靜靜地享受 花五十七大元 把漂亮的顔色 放進咀裏 不小心咬破紙角 思索男所需要的自由 刺穿酥皮圓頂 白色磨菇變成橙色龍蝦 大概今天的我需要充滿活力的橙吧 命 然後利用檸檬嘗試化解濃烈與熱情 一個又一個夢 來了又去 反反覆覆 人生 感覺上活得可以更好 然而 現在應該一個人回家

廣論消文 - 淨修四種懺悔的力量

P145L2 - 62B 28:20 "此中初力者..."段 破壞現行 (過去所作) 現行=現在的心理狀態;破現行(跟壞相應的心理狀態)的力量 依次第必須從破壞現行做起,即由現在起,先破壞無始以來一切不善業,如破壞惡業種子,使其在可生長的環境下,不能增長 要做的是:多起追悔/懊悔 不要順著煩惱/習氣,心存謙卑,找出自己所作不對的事情,然後去對治它 正修時,誦勝金光明懺,及三十五佛懺 對治現行 (現在所作) 對治力,對症下藥,治療無始以來的煩惱/習氣的力量 必定要有(1)破除壞習性的力量,才能跟著有(2)對治的力量 你要認得:現行跟煩惱相應的,還是跟雜染相應的,一定要得正知見,這是真正的中心根本。 對治現行分六種: 依止甚深經者 -讀誦般若波羅蜜多等契經文句 勝解空性者 -跟聞、思、修三種狀態相應的智慧,跟法相應,最後達到跟空性相應的階段,大徹大悟 依念誦者 -照著儀軌去念,百字咒、準提咒、大悲咒、往生咒,滅罪真言等。只要如法的正對治,淨罪亦很快,如黑夜裏點燈/森林裏點火一樣。「戒風吹燃念誦火,大精進燄燒諸惡」 (條件有兩個:一是戒風,持戒持的很嚴;二是大精進燄,心裏如法相應,精進猛利) 依形象者- 塑造佛像,從而獲得信心 依供養者- 在任何情況之下,你有任一樣好東西,或在佛所藏身之地方,供養各樣事情 依名號者- 唸佛、唸觀世音菩薩、唸地藏菩薩等 遮止罪惡 (未來將作) 靜息以前種種不善業 誠意防治以後不要再犯。如沒有這一點,你所有的懺悔,所有的遮止都是空話。 依止力 修歸依及菩提心(整個佛法的內涵)


Every little stars told me that I have a dream When I think of it, I will look up to the sky and hear The traffic roads are busy A tiny grey firefly, A tired heart Switch off the light and not willing to dream Every day when I open the eyes, I think we are mayflies We live as usual, but all of us are having our own dreams When I open the eyes again, I found that we are just flowers with too much emotions Besides happiness, we want nothing Open the eyes We are living as a clown, but change to become a sailor being friend with the ocean once having a dream Open the eyes again We are just the summer Only the season that we went through is really belonging to me Only the season that we went through is really belonging to me

Keep it up

Keep it up, be patience no matter you face a traffic jam; Keep it up, be faith no matter you just have a line of hope; Keep it up, be brave no matter you run with tired legs; Keep it up, be flexible no matter you miss a chance; Keep it up, be joyful no matter you touch a new world with your weakness; Keep it up, keep it up no matter you do right or wrong; Please keep it up!!!

Vegan skin care

Hi dear Milena, Thanks for your free sample of 'neroli & ylang yland essential oil'!! is that a kind of perfume? i haven't opened yet, but i really love it. i just tried the cleanser product, and it's feeling nice ^^ another 2 lip balms shared with my friends. they said it moist. it's very suitable to receive them on today, since the weather suddenly turns cold. so much thanks, so warm. you know, receiving parcel is really happy, and it's happy friday!! you are so great that have so many different products handmade by yourself. i wanna try them all next time!! always support, yvonne :D

something can be thought easily at night

Sometimes, something can be thought easily at night. Sometimes, you cannot change your destiny. Sometimes, your mind has been totally set and still that as hardly as a rock. What is the meaning of change? It needs a stronger reason to take over your inner heart, which is so powerful. If I can choose, I wish I can have better acceptance as softly as a sponge.

A chance of giving

A chance of giving food, A chance of family gathering, A chance of sharing lives, A chance of creating memories, A chance to be thankful!

less is more

"Less is more", a phrase from the 1855 poem Andrea del Sarto (the faultless painter) by Robert Browning The phrase as adopted by the architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe as a precept for minimalist design "Less Is More", a song by Joss Stone from Mind, Body & Soul "Less Is More", a song by Relient K from The Anatomy of the Tongue in Cheek " Less Is More ", an album by Marillion " Less is More Tour ", a 2011 tour by Natasha Bedingfield